
Welcome to Existential Blossom

A blog dedicated mainly to Korean beauty reviews and lifestyle articles of all kinds. Occasionally, I write about my life as well as about the newest second-hand fashion pieces that found their way into my closet.

I’ve been blogging since 2009. I started on a small national platform, then moved over to Blogspot and after that I tried my best to start with WordPress. The first attempt of creating Existential Blossom as a place for me to carefully and peacefully put my soul’s fragments to was created back in the late August of 2020. The second time of it being born was in November of 2020.

But one of the most important dates in my blogging career is 25th of February 2023. On this day I finally I decided to upgrade my content creation and to fulfill one of my dreams and wishes – to buy my own domain and hosting.

The tought and idea behind creating Existential Blossom had been haunting me for couple of years, but I’d been postponing it as much as I could. Now, with EB already created, my soul is closer to its content a bit more. It has new place to carefully and peacefully put its fragments to.

skin type

  • sensitive, oily and acne-prone skin

e-mail me


shortly about author

  • Existentialist to the core.
  • Constantly thinking.
  • Old vintage kafkaesque soul.
  • Kbeauty junkie.
  • Married to nature & art.
  • Lover of Gregorian chant.
  • Minimalist in training.
  • Fond of writing her soul out.
  • E N T J.