
  • pursuing elegance how to be more elegant

    Pursuing elegance. How to be more elegant. Part 3

    What does elegance mean to you? In the previous two parts of the Pursuing Elegance series I’ve already mentioned that elegance can be defined in various ways. To each of us, elegance means something else. The term itself can be explained as cultivated beauty and taste. However, there is much more to elegance than simply looking…

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  • pursuing elegance how to be more elegant

    Pursuing elegance. How to be more elegant. Part 2

    What does elegance mean to you? In the first part of Pursuing Elegance series, I mentioned that elegance can be defined in various ways. There are as many definitions of this term as people. To each of us, elegance means something else. However, it can be explained as cultivated beauty and taste. Pursuing elegance is somehow magical – it costs…

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  • Pursuing elegance How to be more elegant day by day

    Pursuing elegance. How to be more elegant.

    What does elegance mean to you? Elegance can be defined in various ways. To put it shortly, elegance as a noun means cultivated beauty and taste. Indulging in fine things in life, enjoying every moment to its fullest, wearing well-known brands’ clothes, being present or pursue slow living. To each of us, elegance means something…

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